Monday, September 14, 2015

Living in a small place (hand raised)

We live in a one bedroom apartment. No shame we are ready to move.. but some things that city life brings are not desirable. With a 1 and 2 yr old constantly littering lol and a hard working husband occasionally loitering lol (he's the best!) :-)
Well it can be discouraging, someone who has not lived somewhere small would say it cleans up faster and yes floor day, floor space is cleaned quick.
But with diminishing ground
tables and necessary items
crowding your feet
becomes confusion and stress. :)
Ok a little poetry for whoever stumbled upon this who could use some break in your lines. :)

My entryway - 6 categories
Do it how you like:
Electronics - unused electronics
Deodorant and mints (hubsand)
Dismissal bag

Dismissal bag is work clothes or outgoing items.

Also flowers and diffuser on welcome shelf that bears one catch-all tray

Clean lines
LV to Dining room is one long stream differentiating but matching and minimal.
As much open space as possible you may assume you have no space to spread out but hiding as much as possible makes you more relaxed when all is well and when it is messy the simplicity of the space will cheer you on to get rid of the pile of clutter in the room.

I chose a pink, mint and gold theme on a completely white canvas. Easy to do in apartments. Since "hospital white" seems to be a necessary evil of a renters complex. With black accents.

The pride of the LV is the center canvases. I have come to appreciate leaning paintings after moving and removing many nails. This look is very relaxed and a clean modern. I'd rather invest in a shelf and switch out pictures that never hang to left. Also, I fit a lot behind them that is surprising to me to this day that my children don't mind leaving alone! Currently stashing albums and kid reads.

The Dining area is all white with navy and white accents with a more orange theme. Pink roses to tie in the LV. The teal compliments this as well, at the other end of the room by the coffee station. The teal takes on a different role next to the blue in the dining room but yet still appeals to the previous/ongoing pattern of the LV.

My coffee station! This painting is by my aunt Esperanza Romero from Spain. The porcelain, Moroccan decor lost its lid thus it became my gorgeous cup holder haha! :-D #neverdone :) the baby trashcan *hides* the used k-cups that make it to the trashcan after being dumped twice. #peace lol.

This works beautifully, sometimes desperation creates.

The kitchen is simply a farmhand with a blue and white classic look. Only accented by perfectly placed yellow flowers. :)

My favorite space saving focal point for the kitchen is the a hidden square containing cleaning supplies and a bills board. You need this in your life, easy to assemble. Worth any investment. Hidden and sleek. These are the items all spaces reject and say, "we have no room or time for you!" Give them a home worth deserving haha a bit satirical but it is what is.

My hallway doesn't bare a ring or a tone. But two doors facing eachother in close juxtaposition. I kept this simple black and swinging between the LV, BDR and BTR. Yes, the bathroom and bedroom also steel away black and white bases! But almost there, not quite yet.
The Linen closet houses my "garage" a much needed storage for anyone trying to stay sane with that apartment in the perfect place but sacrifices those privileges. Another Investment in that peace of home.. homedepot sells, Martha Stewart bins. More times than not, on sale 2 for 2.80. I have 48 a housewarming gift from my mother in law :) she always takes care of me!

Each row is a different color. All of my essentials are in the front and they go double deep. Some labels to consider revamping your perspective, tools, glue-housing tape, velcro, command hooks. Crafts, paint, socks- miscellaneous, son's shoes.

My bathroom is the funnest room of all. With a daring black and white draw with gold accents it only needs one more color! Red! A tapestry woven rug, white rolled towels on a bench giving it the spa I mean sauna feel especially since this the only room spared the ac ugh. #sweat
Crystal candles on the windowsill and a real black curtain on the shower window. Don't go cheap on the most relaxing room of the house. Make this your spa! Or not! Lol

Orchids dress the toilet completing the Oriental touches, black and white overture and

Last but most, my beddy weddy! Haha get it? Get it? Hehe well I like luxe not a snobby shine but rather an elegant statement.
My final resting grounds, literally is green (emerald) grey, black and white with gold accents, won't deny! :-) This came together in a unique way. The dressers were my side table (multifunctional) but not functional until they came together. I created dress boudoir look. When assembled with a great leaning gold mirror, perfumes and make up on the top drawer. :)

This gives the room power not do I only get my neat spot but also my floor is clear for extra toddling space as well as a protective wall for nights when nursing extends past bed time.

Happy, happy decorating!

Saving space all in one place! :-)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Happy kids and Hubby

So lately I have been pondering destressing, juggling, basically getting everything done and being happy  feeling fulfilled that you have accomplished all that you want in a day including maintaining a home, playing with kids, meeting any husband expectations and also in my case having time for building a church  Maybe in your case it is building a business or some other time consuming work or hobby! But there are similarities in schedule and principles! Hope anything here helps!

So this thought came to me through various inspirations... Thank you Kathy Gossen cornerstone confessions blog for a pin I found linked to her blog called "99 ways to respect your husband." At first I thought it may just be some over spiritual, overly simplified version of help me, help you. But it was simple and I enjoyed the list! (Admittedly all I read) but it consisted of things you would expect; have the house clean when he comes home, listen to him when he talks, touch him with affection- all great things. These are ways we can show him we love him, by showing him respect. Now what caught my attention was the one that said, wake up when he wakes up and go to sleep when he goes to sleep. So it's really a simple thing but the revelation in this as i started doing this, was that i had time to reflect on my day and pray, which puts me in my happy place and brings me joy. Also i have more than enough time to clean my house to ready myself for the day. Also i believe moms need time where they feel free of their kids everyday so it is a joy when they do get a chance to play and bond with their kids. We are attached to our kids at the hip no matter what we do or where we go and we need breaks to give our self the respect our body, mind and spirit need! So go ahead and wake up when your husband does, just try it! See what you can get done, including all the house errands that take forever with toddlers and babies like getting the mail and watering the plants! Enjoy your breakfast on the patio! Etc.

I think God purposed it this way that as we respect our husbands wishes because we want to show our husband how much we love him then God in turn blesses our time to be more productive whilst more enjoyable (i.e. blessed). I thought doing this would be harder because I breastfeed through the night, my toddler still wakes up and I go to bed late from church fellowships or other fun late events! (To enjoy life- also something we need) So I thought I needed that sleep in the morning, that I was dependent on that. But I found myself more rejuvenated from the time I had to get things done I really was craving accomplishing every day. With that said, I haven't woken up at 4am or 5am every morning when my husband sets his alarm. The first morning my husband said get some sleep but I wasn't tired, I wanted to be up. So my husband does want me rested and my family needs me in good shape so I do both when I want to sleep in because I need to, I do. But other times I am ready to start my day even if one is up earlier than the other, more house goals will get finished. Honestly I used to party hard and still be tired and wake up happy when I was younger so I can make that sacrifice for my family which is what makes me happy now. When I say party I mean 7am sleepovers and 1am restaurants : ) no booze lol Sometimes you may only wake up fifteen minutes before your kids but the amount of stuff you can get done in that timeframe!!!! Seriously, try some form of this with intention!

Also I read a quick blog about "Overcoming Overwhelm" by Eric Sachetta which I thought was encouraging.. he said he doesn't look at his day as a list but rather an outcome which is essentially what was tumbling around in my brain when I opened his email link. The outcome is serving your family into happiness haha so you naturally meet the list. Honestly, a stroke of genius ness lol maybe over stated but definitely inspired. So with that in mind, it shouldn't be hard to forget the things your husband asks you to do because you are looking for ways to respect and bless him! If he says, can you pay all the utilities bills, that becomes the priority i.e. schedule for the next day. Say; clean, bills, laundry. So in the morning I cleaned, my son woke up we did phone calls and bills, my daughter woke up and we did breakfast and played til they needed a break from the house and we  headed to the laundromat. All in all the house was clean and laundry was not stressful because the hard parts were done earlier in the day like lugging three loads of laundry to the car.

So all of this has spoken a lot about husbands but I believe when you put your priorities in the right order the rest works out "and all these things will be added unto you." Personally, it goes God first, husband 2nd, kids third, work fourth and the rest after that. So what that looks like is I acknowledge God in all my ways and he gives the strength and motivation to do what is right. My husband is my number one in life, he comes before any other person, he will be the one "rockin' right beside me" and my kids come before me unless it is a matter of self respect and dignity. Like showering, getting ready for my day i.e. styling myself etc.

This blog turned out much longer then I thought it would but sometimes its not what we need to do but how we need to do it that is the real revelation. So hopefully this helped. Currently my children are napping because my son woke up earlier than usual. So last thought, if you have not read the book, "Love and Respect" by a one christian psychologist Dr. Emmerson Eggerichs it is one of the most interesting man vs. woman reads, in my opinion and not too detailed for a young mature reader. The basic gist says that when you get married "the two become one" and also that "man was created in his image" that a woman represents the side of God that is "God is love" and the man represents the side of God that demands justice, truth and vengeance all of this falls under Respect. That both embody the greater picture of God as a whole. Another reason why marriage is a beautiful thing, that God instituted in the garden of eden. God defines marriage because he made it. That both men and women need both love and respect but a woman cannot live without love and a man cannot flourish without respect. He gave a great example of a husband and wife arguing with pink and blue oxygen tanks both stepping on each others hoses as they disrespected and said unloving things to each other. This is why I believe that respecting your husband is showing him you love him. Because he is not as floored by every whimsical love note as just doing the things he asks for. Although he needs both. As do we, us women, need to be shown the respect we deserve, but coo and caw over the flowers and little loving things our man does for us! :) see I couldn't even make it without a smiley face hahaha. The other thing that it explains is how we deserve these things from our spouse, going both ways. We both vowed to love and respect each other for the rest of our lives. That is what marriage is, another way of saying it is, we are dedicating our full lives to one another so you cannot withhold what the other one deserves. No room for selfishness on this issue because you guys gave the gift of each other, in order to have each other together forever. "Two are better than one."

One final thought... Too many second closers came to mind having Pastor Warner as a leader in my headship. Haha so my husband told me a quote years ago when we were dating, I think it originates from Pastor Smith but i may be mistaken, maybe Pastor Rubi, any who it goes like this. "The problem is never in the revelation but rather the application." Breath that in.. Haha Its not hard to know what is right to do but rather how to do it. The military has a saying that says always choose the hard right over the easy wrong. Also this applies to lofty theories that sound great on paper but in reality have vital flaws. I love this quote because it covers so much ground and depth in such a short sentence. Also revelation has a timing to it. You can realize that you need to be a great father and husband after leaving your family but the time has passed where, mom has moved on and the kids have grown. So again application is almost more vital then revelation in this case. Also when presenting ideas and implementing new ministries or sharing the simple gospel. Most people know that Christ died for them and their sins but its important how you present and unravel that story and gift to them, it should be treated as an honor and given with spirit filled intention, at least excitement for having the best news on the planet! Cheers, sorry for the side note and bonus paragraphs! :-)

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

Brad Paisley song, "She's Everything"
She's the voice I love to hear
Someday when I'm ninety
She's that wooden rocking chair
I want rocking right beside me
Everyday that passes
I only love her more
Yeah, she's the one
That I'd lay down my own life for

"And the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh." Mark 8:10 NIV

"So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

"The person who doesn't love doesn't know God, because God is love" 1 John 4:8
But God defines love, not man. To clarify on the issue of "love wins".

"Two are better than one" Ecclesiastes 4:9

Monday, July 13, 2015

Totes Awesome 💁🏼👜

So this is a long story. Me, I have never had a long lasting love of pursing or carrying a purse! In the words of my Latin teacher, "don't you want to just be like a ninja and carry a folder into class!!!" Haha "WAYAH!!!" Or hayah anyways... Ah to be free.. The Dream 💭 Haha and then there's Life ❤️💛💚💙 (game colors in case you didn't notice)

So I had tiny glimpses of glory where I had a spark of interest in wearing a purse, then it would become an accessory, then a ball and chain haha extreme I know #hippychild lol 😂 I would try n try n it would always come down to I just didn't want to carry a purse meh #womenissues men get to walk around free handed?!? Haha no but seriously when I looked at it as Totes it was totes-ally different hahaha 

So I shall take you on my new totes tour and how I got there! I always prided myself on my tiny purse with one diaper with an elastic band on it and wipes in a mini-container (still a purse I am in love with| Miche) but time tells all with two kiddos and increasing responsibility. More like a compilation of embarrassing moments when you're a mom trucking around kids looking for a tissue!! Somebody please lol Or some other emergent scenario lol 

So I realize now every paragraph starts with so. Once my English teacher said I could start a sentence or a paragraph off with that word, I took it a step farther. I like things to have meaning, purpose and rough functionality especially efficiency. If it's fast n efficient, I'm sold! 🏁 So I kept thinking smaller was better cuz that's sexy n sleek, right? I first fell in love with a purse just like the one I own and hands free, less space etc but hauling laundry up and down the stairs with wheels became bags from Thirty-One (work like a dream and cute to boot!) 
 Pic of totes

Then leaving the house with anything more then I could fit in my mini-me purse became tougher with two kids in arms :/ so I think everyone in Long Beach owns a free Walmart bag? Well I would grab that and stick the leftovers or things that needed to be carried to and from church. Well not long before I was looking up cuter solutions on Pinterest and found lots of tutorials on glamming up plain canvas bags. So one dollar, one trip, one dollar store and I had me an upgraded tote bag. Then came my Johnny Choo bag ;) then my dollar store bag didn't look so hot next to it so, we set out to really facelift my friend. 

I know this sounds really elementary and it is.. I only share this for people aspiring to higher purse ways or interested in cheaply adding to their current collection! : )

Then I mininimized my closet you can read that blog from last month! :-) anywhoo I found I like/love purses as a huge price to my outfits I don't mind going hands free if its not matching. But since I don't have money to buy a jimmy choo purse every time , I started at the thrift store I don't like to invest a lot of money until I am for sure. So I found a black leather purse saggy ten dollars. A bright red purse 7$ a bright tan leather purse 3$ all of these I switch out and wear every day: my criteria while I am looking is it the right color ? Is it the right shape? this is important and is it a good quality? Leather etc or easily fixable ... This is the thrift store so don't expect it to be perfect but rather fit the impression you are trying to give off!!!

Now I shall show you my purse collection, and adding to it daily  :) :-) not hard to add to when it is only a couple of dollars away and I am sure in time I will spend more on purses I find bring higher quality. :) but right now those are not my priorities! It could be next week but I am happy with what I have right now !

I now enjoy many purses. And look back on this post from a couple weeks back and think wow I am totally normal now! I love my purses and have to have a great purse (matching) every time I go out! I think that May have been what peeved me so bad was the whole doesn't match perfectly/add to your outfit , now it is a main accessory to many of my outfits. I've added a blush and gold Aldo purse as well as a brown Aldo bag. A Jean Neiman Marcus tote and others. All my purses are worth more than I bout them for! Also filling them I have my wallet and phone and any other things that need to tag along. In my wallet I have sample make up so my wallet always has spruce up elements! Baby mascara, perfume and all the essentials for makeup! Happy Toteing and Pursing!

Sunday, June 28, 2015

To minimize your closet?

Minimizing your closet, tips, pictures, video to come and thoughts on whether it is right for you and how too.

To minimize or not to minimize? Maybe you came to this blog, already prepared to downsize just needing tips on how to do it for you... or maybe you are interested in the thought but think you are too wild and free for something as boring sounding as a minimal closet. Let me explain, you don't have to only have 4 black dresses in your closet to be a minimal girl :) (sigh of relief)

That said, let's jump into the potential how to... one YouTuber beautifully explained it as just defining your style and minimizing your closet down to only that. Which makes sense because that is probably what you like. Whether you like it every time you see it on pinterest or you love it every time you see someone wearing it. :) No matter what your style, there is room for you to feel minimal and have a beautiful closet even if you don't get rid of anything. (The idea is storage for stuff you are not ready to let go of or stuff that is not in season) If you have never been able to accomplish the whole winter, summer thing, this tutorial will definitely help you complete and understand the concept more completely :) :-).

So onto the actual doing of where to start in minimizing your clothing and ultimately making your closet feel glam even if all you have to work with is a simple, standard, builder grade closet. Also, if you don't have room for a vanity in your house you can create one in a small closet even if you feel like you barely have room for your clothes. My house has two and a quarter standard closets for four people. Thankfully we are up for an upgrade in that area! We live in socal : ) We trade space for perfect weather all year long. Lol.

OK this is where I started, after how-to researching. I created a pinterest board,  and pinned (at first only stuff I was in love with or would actually wear, that fit my style) once I had gathered enough outfits, I observed patterns. Like, surprisingly I learned I preferred hats, shoes and big purses as simple accessories rather than statement necklaces, bracelets and bling! I also realized I opted for shoes that weren't so obvious, like nudes, tans and blacks. I feel like they make more of a statement when they are less visible. But I had to learn that through studieing what I was attracted to, fashion wise. This is probably the funnest part of the process, so enjoy! :-)

Once all was defined I printed a page with 20 outfits summarizing my style with colors as well, and clipped it to a gold clipboard. While I am dressing my mood picks a photo and voila! Or I have a piece I want to wear and I automatically know my favorite colors to go with. Also for shopping, it is easier having exacts in mind, you won't be disatisfied when you get home with your new sale! Happy shopping!

Now it's time for dwindling and weeding down your closet! Working off your new clipboard or pinn-board put clothing that does not fit that criteria in a bag either to go or to store under your bed or what not. The more you do this, the more you will get addicted to leaving out only your favorite pieces or "embracing who you  are in fashion" :)

I will be adding photos and a video shortly

Enjoy a peaceful, fashionista and more glam you and closet! :-) :-D

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

A clean house everyday 🏡💕

The power of a calendar! 📇 Is something not organized in your life? Put it on your calendar ✔️ Chores, dates, play dates, bills etc! I am going to try summarize some helpful organizers. This blog will just address cleaning! 🚮

Sports Mom Blog has a printable in this link: 👇

Great paper for the fridge just put it in a little paper protector and add your favorite cleaning products for each chore.

I had previously done this on the calendar  you can schedule your chore on a weekly/monthly cycle. Kid activities can be the same, say beaches on Thursday afternoons etc. The "Yada" app let's you use the emojis and creates a to-do list 📝 with unending reminders! ⏰ iOS cal works great too: more easily sync-able and shareable.

This Brain Box idea was originally done by an OCD lady, so I trust her! Haha
Check it out ✅ featured on "tips from a typical mom" thanks for your blog!

If you are looking for a more in depth cleaning solution and understanding of the scheduled cleaning: Check out this binder, which can suite a command center. It includes bills, dinners and chores.

I've found most mess around my house can be categorized as:


All cumbersome and messy. This other blog has a big bin/bag per kid. At this point with two babies, I am sticking with four bins for these categories. Available to fold down and run around the house picking up the peices! Happy Cleaning!! 😀😍

Last link #savingthebest4last

This is pretty much everything I do with different categories! I will add a pic of my 'bags' later, Thanks for reading!! ❤️

Friday, March 20, 2015

Crab Rangoons 🍱 Takeout? Takein Please!

Who doesn't love crab or cheese Rangoons? Made these today as a quick appetizer while taking care of the kids! This is so quick, we are talking 2minutes cooking time and very little prep.
You can find these wrappers in the FRIDGE not freezer section, beside the cheese with the sushi international fridge section! 
You can use any cream cheese and for crab lovers like me you can add crab bits. Pretty self explanatory, I just needed my fix today so I went plain...
Put a dollop of cream cheese in the middle and wipe it off the spoon like you would a cookie! 🍪 Next Fold!|:

In case you've never seen one!
Now fry those babies up and enjoy! 🍳

I brown the bottom for say 30 seconds and then flip, not super pretty but delicious!!! 💗 Side Note: this T-fal pan is amazing and wipes clean easier than any!

ENJOY!! 💗💗 so quick and easy! :-)

I used leftover chili packets from Panda Express. You can use red hot or sirachi if u like it spicy! 🔥

Midas Touch

While you have the Gold spray can out, might as well turn everything gold,.. Tastefully I mean. Haha

Does anyone have this staples trash can? This is not a new idea but it is luxury with affordability. Came out great, I wasn't using it before and I had seen many posts on different ways to use it but this seemed most close to its original function and beautiful!

One thing they say as a decorating no-no, is to not ignore wires! Well you won't ignore them now! I didn't perfectly spray them but they are a perfect small touch of shimmer out of the corner of your eye! "Everything in moderation" but don't ignore that ugly orange and black chord because someone will notice! And why take all ur energy ignoring when you could be enjoying your clean new look!

Small apartments need every bit of help they can get! :-)
While I'm lecturing, frames should be level on top when side by side and usually not above door tops. Even is good! Also I should probably take those stickers off! #inwardlecture

Also did you notice the solid brick of gol ;-) lol it's just my power strip! But I did tag (literally) my iPhone charger as well because it's a touchy subject whose iPhone charger is whose haha 
Now you can feel luxury when being responsible and plugging in your phone for the night! 💭💖


Who has lamps that are boring, old, plain or just not you- enough!? MEeee! 🙋

Well fear no more! A gold spray can and a little paint even nail polish can go a long way! 💅???what! Yup. Here's how!

I saw this color with gold dipped bottoms on some stools that looked fabulous. I wanted it so I did it! $4.10 at homedepot for rustoleum metallic spray gold!

This side I successfully used nailpolish, it helped that it had a big manicure brush to go on smooth. Blue for my hubby! We now have his, hers lamps! Loving that they don't look blah! 😛

One more lamp beautified/modernized! :) this was an old lamp from the grammy era :) now looking young and fresh again! BTW old lamps have the best wiring , lighting and switches. Maybe it's just nostalgia speaking but I love their quality! 💗

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Change the way you think about this ironing board!

Alot of houses in Long beach have these old built in ironing boards. 

I was kind of annoyed with mine because I wasn't getting any amazing use out of it. Until my husband last night said, "what about a changing table"

So I woke up the next morning and went to work

I had some leftover foam from the crib and a couple of baby blankets to choose from.
I warmed my 3$ pink glue gun from Walmart and started glueing the foam to the board, making sure it could shut.
I added the pink blanket and wrapped it around til it folded over and hot glued in various focal points.

I glued an extra changing pad I had to the middle.

On the door I had clothes pins from when I had a missing sock station which has grown too big for the spot anyhow! I put a receiving blanket for ironing and a baggy just in case for 'trash' also a blanket on top for when Maci falls asleep. Quick Access.

The last piece it's missing is a strap which I will buy asap and add to this post to finish it up! So far I am loving this and the space it saves is unbelievable. And diapers are kept in a diaper bag behind our door.

Ok so one update, I had planned on posting! For Maci's safety a stap! This pink strap was one dollar at 99cent only store.

It's originally a dog collar but I just cut and hot glue gunned em again underneath to the sides!
Happy crafting!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Stir Fry Staple

This recipe is what I think of as a basis for all my stir frys its a great meal to learn as a new wifey and it can be used in so many ways! 💕

I turn on the jasmine rice in the steamer. It takes twelve minutes to cook, so the timer is on and the clock is ticking! ⏰

Love this rice maker, we have used this almost five times a week since we got married! 👰🎩

You can turn on the meat and then scissor it while it's just browned ✂️ or chop it!
It's time for chopping🔪

I pull out my stir fry "bin" which has a red pepper, a red onion, a zucchini and a bag of crinkle carrots🈚️

  Time to go to work!💪 I generally use half of each Veggie and a handful of carrot 📈

I try and rinse everything right away because it makes it easier💦

This cerran wrap helps so much because I use it every meal💯 And cutting is just fun 😀

Once everything is in the pan with two or three tablespoons of oil depending on how much you are making :-) 🌱🌾🍱

Also lemon or lime juice are a great additive but these three are the staple for a stir fry to me! 🍋

Once the veggies have a little brown from the soy sauce I shut it off or let it cook on low for one to three minutes max. 🔥 Or else they will loose their crunch, taste and nutrients! 🍆

Now it's time to prep the rice for the dinner table! Butter, lemon or lime juice and cilantro are always nice. 🍚Butter only today!

Now it is time to serve and eat!!! Best part! 🍴 Enjoy! 🍛

The best thing about this recipe is you can imagine and eat it many other ways! 💭
Bean sprouts

Any combination of veggies that fits to your liking❤️